In the corporate world, we come across different level of performers. Some people work very smart, some are loud and some very calm and work hard. The socialising and networking aspect help people to grow and it has become the organic growth path.
People while socialising build a mental construe that the loud is flamboyant, smart the maneuverer and calm hard working is never in the mind of people. The calm hard working is many times misjudged for what they are.
One day a business trip was arranged comprising the loud, the smart and the calm team members. On reaching the customer site, customer demanded to showcase the current for making a decision on the future. The management all of a sudden had no options to go with the calm hard working person to present (though they weren’t sure if he can present). The calm person took control of the presentation maintaining his composure to win a standing ovation at the end of the session. The respect on the person grew from that instant.
The great inspirer for calm and composure , hard working with an ability to embrace the challenging situations is thala M S Dhoni. MSD is not active in social media. He didn’t respond in public to the famous Gabba and Australian tour victory. The legend when put on spot embraces the challenge and completely stays normal to finish the task. Striving in challenging environment is normal for Dhoni. He is an epitome of zen with valuable lessons for the corporate world.
Thala will continue to be the finisher as it is driven by perfect nature of him (being in the current) beyond his cricketing skills. Placing the right field position for Pollard’s wicket and seventeen runs in an over is another feather to GOAT’s hat. The response would have clarified the misjudged views that many had written off citing his age.
The first part of the blog is a true story as much as the second part is.
The judging nature is natural to humans.
Next time if you judge based on comparing education background, family background, nature of a person etc and construe a negative image/actions try avoiding it unless you know them very well.
Never judge a heart by its scars - John Mark Green