A fan’s reflection.
Jenga stack is a good game. A popular one for this time of the year to play with family. The stakes of England team on paper is stacked up so high ready to play like a Jenga stack. The big hope was the strategy to support the stack to be good as well. Did they really have one?
I call the Australia team’s Labuschagne as LabusCHANGE who can change the game with his temperament by absorbing all stress when given an opportunity. He joined the elite group of Bradman and others by scoring fastest 2000 runs.
England team have spinners on board but the confidence is on Root. Absolute madness to play with no full time spin bowler. Why take Bess and Leach if they aren’t even good for selection of XIs? If they need a spin bowler all rounder, they should find one. Due to the lack of a spin bowler, England couldn’t put pressure when Australia lost quick wickets.
Now on England team batting: on paper the team looks good and stacked up like Jenga blocks nicely. The openers go cheaply just like anyone would remove the top two wooden sticks with confidence. The stack still upright when Root and Malan in. When Root or Malan is removed, it is equivalent to the wooden stick (Somewhere in the edge of stack) removed resulting in entire stack crash. It is game over.
Selection lacks confidence and players lack temperament and resilience. Can Silverwood find magic wooden sticks to fix the stack of Jenga?